Telescopic Pool Enclosure

We are bring in "TELESCOPIC SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURES". This is a new concept to enclose in your roof. But in western countries, nowadays pools are being built along with these enclosures. The benefits of these enclosures are many. Given below is a few of that.

Benefits of Telescopic Pool Enclosure

  • SAFETY for Children and Pets. There have been many instances of loss of lives due to negligence. With these enclosures, you can relax without worrying much about those precious lives. Many times, there are chances of small insects and snakes entering the pools, which can be avoided too. Possibility of complete locking of the enclosure – “child lock”
  • PRIVACY for the family members to use the pools anytime. The pools should be used when we want. Not after making sure that it gets dark so that no one can peep from neighboring buildings.
  • WASTAGE of WATER can simply be avoided by not letting the pool become dirty due to dust, insects, leaves and other foreign particles.
  • UV RADIATION from Sun in hot sunny days can be avoided. The radiation is harsher on the skin mainly due to the chemicals used to keep the water of the pool clean. Prevention of skin cancer thanks to screening of harmful UV radiation by poly carbonate.
  • TIME is the most important commodity. We can save time and labour by simply extending the gap between cleaning of the pool since it will be fully covered.
  • CHEMICALS used can be minimized. Today, whatever we do, priority is to be given to save the planet. So usage of fewer chemicals is always better.
  • You can create the desired temperature by using portable ac inside the pool enclosure.

These are few of the benefits we get by using the Retractable Pool Enclosures. The life of the covers is 15-20 years. so, almost a onetime investment and there is a well trained back up service team to maintain the enclosures and take the usability to much more than 15-20 years.

You can see more details, pictures and videos on our website These enclosures can be used in many more applications apart from pools like portico, verandas, Spas, Garden, etc

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